
There’s Still Work to Do

God often prepares us for a situation before we go through it.  When we were stationed in England, my husband, Floyd, a tech sergeant in the United States Air Force, came home from work to tell me that the Air Force had required them to take a class on clearing obstructed airways (choking) in adults and children.  (It was probably part of a CPR class.)  At the dinner table that…

A Tremendous Impact

I got my first pair of glasses when I was about four-years-old.  Boy, did I hate those things.  And because I hated wearing them, I fought my mother over wearing them; not just when I was little, but for years.  So the only time I actually wore them was at school.  The second I got home from school, I pulled them off.  And I never seemed to put them in…

God’s Miraculous Intervention

After my daughter, Michelle, accidentally overdosed on my husband’s blood pressure medication, I rushed her to the nearest hospital myself, bypassing the 911 system.  But because the ER personnel didn’t believe that she’d actually taken the pills, they wasted every precious second I bought them.   Within an hour, the hospital faced a dire emergency, and they weren’t equipped to handle it, so they phoned the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, who sent…

A Critical Situation

In August, 1998, two months before Michelle’s 14th birthday, we witnessed God’s intervening power on a situation totally beyond our control.  At that time, our daughter had just about reached her peak maturity level, which was approximately seven-years-old.  Even then, I’m not sure she was thinking on the maturity level of a child that old. Apparently, Michelle had developed a headache.  Looking for some “headache medicine,” she found a bottle…

Military Basic Training – Unable to March

I loved my time in the United States Air Force, and basic training was an experience I’ll always cherish.  Because of poor equilibrium, I didn’t think I could get in, but God opened the door, enabling me to enlist.  So I felt certain that He’d also help me get through basic training. In military basic training, regardless of your branch of service, you march in formation everywhere you go.  Due…

A Soft Answer

The things we say and the attitudes we display can have an incredible influence over other people. My daughter, Jamie, was just learning to drive,  And we all know how frustrating it can be to be behind a student driver.  Well, Jamie and I were on our way home from church, and Jamie asked me if she could drive.  She had her learner’s permit (or temporary driver’s license), but she’d…

Hearing the Voice of God

God talks to His children throughout the day, but do we listen?  Communication is two way.  If two people are both talking, and neither is listening, there is no communication between them, and neither knows what the other is saying, because they are both too busy talking to do any listening. Do you talk to God throughout your day?  Do you take the time to listen to Him when He…

Fire! Fire!

In 1998, two weeks before Christmas, a faulty clock radio cord caused an electrical fire in the bedroom of our 16-year-old daughter, Jamie.  Fortunately, Floyd and I were both home when our smoke detector sounded, and so was our son.  But our daughters were both at school. Toby had been living on his own, and Jamie’s dad gave her permission to move into his empty room, so she had been…

A Bright Orange Glow

As a general rule, I’m a logical thinker and I’m not easily panicked.  But I recall a day when I did panic.  It was almost thirty years ago in Valdosta, Georgia.  Floyd was in the United States Air Force at the time, and we were stationed at Moody Air Force Base.  We lived in a mobile home trailer approximately one mile from base.  Toby was three years old, and Jamie…