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  1. My Dear Friend Marjorie ,
    I ran across this site when I was trying to locate you on FB. So great to see that you are blogging.
    You, as always, have such a great spiritual out look on life. I have always admired that in you. I could read your posts all day, but, I would not get done the things I truly need to.
    I will try to contact you Via your email. If that proves unsuccessful, I shall follow you here.
    Have a blessed day, & tell Floyd “Hello” for me.

  2. I found this post very interesting. I had a similar situation last summer, however, mine was only a few weeks. My brothers ex-wife and her live in boyfriend decided they wanted to move to Texas, things in California were not going well. When she told me she was coming to “visit” I told her that they could stay with us while they checked out housing and empoloyment etc. Next thing I know she is texting me saying they are on the way, but not for a visit, they were moving here. No jobs, no housing and according to her not much money. Well things didn’t work out like she had thought they would, she apparently thought I was going to support them and take care of them. Needless to say they high-tailed it back to California. Those 3 weeks they stayed with me were very difficult, she was not who I thought she was, always complaining, playing the victim, and not a true follower of Christ. I was glad to see her go, I say a prayer for her now and again. God puts peoples in our lives for a reason, she did help me out a little financially and I hope I helped put her on a path to Jesus.

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