
Give Thanks Always for All Things

“Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5:20 KJV God is so good to us.  Not only did He give us life, but after mankind sinned and died spiritually, He then provided for our salvation to restore our fellowship to Him.  If that was all God ever did for us, we have enough to be thankful for…

How to Find Peace in a World Full of Turmoil

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9 KJV A peacemaker is one who is able to bring about peace from turmoil and friction, and blessed means “to make fruitful and prosperous.”  And that’s what God does.  He makes fruitful and prosperous the attempts of those people who work to resolve situations peacefully.  In John 16:33, Jesus said, “These things I have spoken…